Steal These Design Ideas: The Winchester Mystery House

You deserve a haunted house. No, really. What’s the point in a home renovation if you aren’t going to do something interesting with it? Haunted houses aren’t just cool on Halloween, they’re great all year round.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, CA, is a mansion built by Sarah Winchester, the widow of William Wirt Winchester and heir to a gun-fueled fortune. It’s rumored to be one of the most haunted places in the world, though logic often disproves many of the stories and claims made up about it.

So, for just a moment, consider the possibilities of stealing ideas from this famous haunted house.

Intangible Tenants In Haunted Houses

Although you won’t be able to ask them for rent, there are numerous benefits to having ghostly inhabitants in your home.

  1. Alert the box office! You could start filming your own indie horror movie.
  2. If you prefer to watch reality TV, “I’m Roommates With A Ghost?!” would be a great sitcom title.
  3. Halloween decorations are built right in when people look through your windows. (And oh, the things we’ll suggest you can do with your windows!)

The possibilities are endless!

Try “Stairs to Nowhere”

By Sgerbic - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

All good haunted houses have creepy staircases. Watch any Halloween film or play any scary video games and you’ll see. Come to a dead stop at the top or bottom of any staircase.

Sure, it’s been proven that the stairs only lead nowhere because the house was damaged in an earthquake, but wouldn’t it be more fun to trick your family and friends?

Ring, Ring, Ring…

By Sgerbic - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

It’s not Banana Phone, it’s a bell tower. While some speculate it was used to summon ghosts, it was in actuality just there as a fire alarm and to call the people who were always doing construction work on the house.

But imagine ringing in Halloween night with a clang! Or maybe every night in October!

Check Out My Window, Said The Spider to the Fly

By Sgerbic - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Everyone knows that a haunted house is nothing with spider webs. Bur rather than inviting those spindly little creatures into your home and giving them a dark corner to inhabit, search for a Halloween-inspired window!

Bonus: Try Something Gold-Plated

For your next Halloween party, make it a feast for the spirits! Some say that Sarah Winchester used to hold such feasts on golden plates.

If you’d like to read about the events and history of the Winchester Mystery House, check out their official site! They’ve got extra cool stuff for Halloween!

Don’t Forget!

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We’re local to Sacramento, Concord, and San Jose in California, as well as Reno, Nevada.

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